Thumb Print Cookies plus Other Holiday Food and Decorating Ideas

BHG Magazine, Dec, 2018 issue
My son and I used to make cookies together for Christmas aech year until he went off to college.  His favorite was our Christmas Tree sugar cookies and his second favorite to make were Thumbprint Cookies.  We usually stuck with traditional Hershey Kisses in the center, although we tried different flavors and stripped versions various years.  My Grandmother used to make Thumprint Cookies with jams or preserves in the center.  My son and I would have loved to try the different variations and flavors for Thumbprints from Better Homes and Gardens magazine (on Amazon).  If you do not like the idea of pushing your thumb into cookie for indention, you may use the bottom of a small measuring spoon or melon baller.

There were other recipes in the December 2018 magazine issue that would work for Christmas brunch or a Holiday Desserts party.  If you plan either, check the magazine out at a local newsstand to make sure there are at least two recipes you want before spending $4 on the Christmas issue.

There are also some cute ideas for decorating party tables with mini-trees.  The most colorful version of trees uses real and simulated candies, but I don't recommend use it for a kid's party as they are not edible and you never know if a child will try to take a bite!  If you want edible, check out previous cookie tree posts on this blog.  If you do not want to bother making your own decorations, you can get cute glitter or tinsel cone-shaped trees in various sizes and colors at many discount or drug stores.

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