The Other Side of the Story

Is the 1st amendment dead? Do news sources now twist and distort selected information to match a political or ideological narrative rather than strait-forward fact research and reporting? Mainstream media (#MSM) and politicians are often one-side biased.  What is the other side of the story they are not telling?  How do you get the full picture?  Sadly, you have to do your own research by going to other sources for factual reports, personal blogs, citizen articles, investigative journalism, and personal videos of people who were actually present.  The list below is some of the documentaries and research done before the distorted bits-n-pieces presented via political propaganda around this historical event was proven to be a really BIG LIE with full video evidence shown and truth reported as such by a news network.  

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Will the USA finally see the truth of that historical protest date with the release of inside capitol security footage, outside footage, police cameras, confiscated camera videos from protesters and journalist hidden for almost 3 years? Or will the INJUSTICE to  protestors and innocent bystanders continue?

Note:  This blog seldom addresses political opinion, however it often promotes patriotism through interesting stories, poems, songs, and video. Sometimes a promoted one-sided story is so false, that you must offer alternative evidence to get to the truth.  

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary definitions/examples:

  • PROTEST is the act of objecting or a gesture of disapproval, especially a usually organized public demonstration of disapproval.
  • REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an "ARMED" uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.

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