Vertical Gardening and Six Healthy Eating Rules

Better Homes & Gardens
March 2018 Cover
In the "Spring Forward"  issue of Better Homes and Gardens, a California couple  is featured in a 6-page photo article.  In it the couple shares tips on growing a vegetable garden in a small space.  They suggest going vertical by growing up a trellis vining veggies like squash, tomato, tomatillos, as well as melons and cucumbers.  Ways to make inexpensive trellis are also given in the same "Plot Twist" article.  Shorter outdoor articles include raised garden beds, houseplants, terrariums, and patio ideas.  So if you like to garden, you might want to pick up this issue since it has lots of growing tips.

The issue also has a few recipes for salads or sides made with fresh vegetable.  Near the end, the magazine offers "6 New Rules for Eating Healthy."  In summary they are to:
  1. Remove 10 calories from your daily intake per pound you want to lose in order  to continue weight loss.
  2. Focus on the good food you can eat on your diet rather than what you can not have.
  3. Weigh yourself weekly so you can adjust diet or exercise plan when needed.
  4. On your diet plan, include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and fiber - rotate them weekly.
  5. In food and drinks, skip artificial sweeteners as they can slow your metabolism.
  6. Eat 1 oz. of dark chocolate daily as it may help lower your body mass and satisfy desire for sweets,
Always consult a doctor before starting a diet or exercise program!

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