Number 1 Time Management Tip: Write It Down!

Making a "To Do " list using sticky notes, marker board, paper pad, or a computer application to help manage time in order to get things done is discussed in the 2+ minute video below.  Tips in the video are based on the time management principle "If an item is important to remember to do, then write it down."  This is 1 of 6 principles given in the book T.A.P.P. Steps in Time Management.

Do Not Forget to Pay Those Bills On-time!

It is best to pay your bills when they are received to prevent forgetting them.  However, if not paying bills because of a cash-flow issue, then you may need a method to keep up with them. Try filing the bills in an appropriately marked baskets, bins, or folders.  An option for labeling and categorizing is to divide bill paying into two categories:
  1. First code or mark the preferred storage as the bills to pay by mid-month or the 15th.  These you will process during the first week of each month in order to avoid late fees or added interest. 
  2. The other is those due by the end of month or the 30th.  Those will be processed early in the third week of each month. 
Calculating and Paying Bills
If you are deciding to manually pay bills, be sure to select a particular day during the processing week to review and pay your bills.  Also, you should have everything you need on hand when paying the bills: such as a calculator, your checkbook, pens, postage, and of course envelopes.  

To reduce bill paying time and paperwork, you may prefer to utilize on-line bill payment where bill reviewing and paying is done without checks and postage.  This method allows you to set-up payment as soon as the bill arrives by selecting a date to pay just before the due date on the bill.  This on-line process simply transfers money from your bank account towards the appropriate bill on your selected date.  Another option to cut out the time for review and still not mess with checks or postage is to set up automatic electronic payment where available.  With this method, you need to keep very few receipts (except for tax reasons) as your bank statement becomes your record of all or most paid bills.

Whatever Happened to Caged Pearls?

My first “real pearl” necklace was a caged pearl pendant received in the early 80s’ - although that style became popular in the 20’s.  The other day I was wondering why we do not see caged pearls much anymore. They used to be a favorite gift for brides, if a choker style strand was cost prohibitive.  Pearls are also the birthstone of June, so a single pearl would seem like a perfect birthday gift for a young woman.  Given the fashion popularity of pearls right now and the desire for vintage-look jewelry, you would think this might be an alternative offered for those who prefer metal to bead strands.  So I decided to do a web search.  What did I find?

I found sites where I could buy cages to make caged pearl jewelry if I had the pearls. An alternative search option that was given to me was wish pearls.  So I did that and found sites where I could buy wish pearls in order to harvest my own pearl (neat idea for a school show and tell project) and then create a necklace.  If I added the word “vintage” to my original search, I got lots of shopping sites selling mostly costume versions of the cage concept.

Maybe the reason these are not as available now is we can get pearls cheaper than precious metals now.  It used to be the other way around.   However, that does not change the fact that the really neat thing about a caged pearl is you get an entire pearl.  There is no hole drilled for stringing or mounting.  The pearl moves around freely in the cage.  I think this would be a beloved jewelry box item for the pearl girls and collectors out there.

So I still wonder why no jewelers are doing this anymore.  With the returning popularity of the charm bracelet, a pearl jewelry designer should come up with a variety of charms containing caged pearls.  They could use a variety of pearl cages with different pearl shapes and sizes.  Or use a multitude of the animal shaped cages with multiple colors of freshwater pearls for a more fun and youthful look.  Or for more classic look, do only 2 different alternating cages but with each containing another color pearl in each cage, maybe dark colors in gold for Fall and pastels set in silver for Spring.  Or do a mixed-metal look which is very popular by matching the metal to the pearl color: gold for golden/yellow, silver for white or grey, gunmetal for black, and rose for pink.   For a new necklace, how about putting a peacock pearl in birdcage shape pendant?  Cool ideas! Right!? 

What do you think of these ideas and what other ideas do you have? 

Old-fashioned Ideas on Summer Clothes or Good Advice?

I cannot believe there was something I mostly agreed with on Shine – the fashion site!!  I know sometimes they go a little overboard picking on celebrity outfits and encouraging youth to wear stuff that is just UGLY! Yet… over the weekend, a so-called news story titled Call the Fashion Police: Top 10 Summer Fashion Don'ts popped up on Yahoo from Shine. It was a photo spread of summer fashion mistakes that go against common sense. Well as least or as long as I can remember, but they seem to be unknown by most teenagers (and a few adults).

Summer Swimsuit - i.e. Bikini
Since some would consider the advice to be old-fashioned, I wondered “Okay – how old does this make us?” when reading the comments beside the photos. Therefore, I had to check for a photo of the writer in order to guess their age.  Instead of a photo and author bio when I clicked the name line, I got her blog ( and a link to her Pinterest page.  Wow, I guess I am really old since I expected to see her writing or fashion credits rather than a product blog and baby photos. 

Oh well – checkout the on-line article above, have a few laughs, and let me know which ones you agree with.  My biggest “You so right girl” was on the bra straps hanging out.  When did that become a fashion statement rather than a sign of poor taste or ill-fitting clothes?  BTW: I am not so old-fashioned - I do have my own Pinterest page.

Can you Describe your Dizziness?

Medical professionals may be confused if you go in and say you have been feeling dizzy lately.  In order to properly diagnose you they will ask you to “describe how you feel dizzy” or “what ways do you feel dizzy?  They do this to determine your symptoms and the type of dizziness you are experiencing so that they can ask more questions to get at the root cause or refer you to a specialist.  Whether you are feeling lightheaded, off-balance, or spinning can tell the doctor a lot.  This can help them find the causes and determine next steps. 

Where a problem may occur, is if you are experiencing more than one type of dizziness (like having both Vertigo and TMJ at the same time).  If this is the case, the doc may become confused as it is harder to nail down the cause.  So be sure to tell the doctor about other symptoms that are not dizziness and any recent injuries.  In these cases, they may refer you to a specialist to rule out real causes or find the underlying problem.  For example you may be sent to a cardiologist (heart), ENT (ear), ophthalmologist (eye), dental professional (teeth), or another depending on symptoms.   Drug reactions could also be a cause of dizziness so be sure to tell the doctor if any new medications or supplements (even herbal versions) have been taken in the last month.

A leading cause of dizziness and headaches today is stress - so do not give yourself more; go see the doc!  Hormone changes in women could also be an issue.  However, some websites say the most common dizziness problem for women is Vertigo (due to calcium intake) which may be treated quickly with in-office therapy by an ENT after he examines eye movement.  However, the most common dizziness related to dental issues is TMJ which is usually accompanied by jaw pain or ear buzzing.  So let the doctor know if that is also an issue.  Please note there are exercises that can be done to help with TMJ after diagnosis, but first verify what to do with a professional in order to not make things worse.  Get a medical recommendation before doing any Vertigo standing or sitting exercises as well.